Announcements For March 21, 2021

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ANNOUNCEMENTS – Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday: 9:00 am -worship service

Adult Sunday School after service.
Tuesday: 10:00 am -Prayer and Share in the multi-purpose room.

Holy Week Activities

Good Friday: Walk of the Cross: outside Redland Community UMC at 5:00pm

Easter Sunrise Service, April 4th at 7am at Silver Palm UMC. Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection! If you cannot join us in person, please consider joining us Live Online.

Fellowship Dinner on April 11th at 5:00pm. More details will be announced later.

Memorial Service for James Mowson.- Details will be announced later.

Prayers for healing of the World– we join daily at 12:00pm

Upper Room daily devotional available in the Narthex.

For those who cannot attend to our in-person service, we are live streaming our service on our Facebook page every Sunday at 9:00

NOTE: Pastor Nelson can be reached at (386) 631-6193

“Tree of Life” – Leaves and other features are available to dedicate or memorialize special individuals in your life. Flyers are available in the narthex. See Sam Jerkins for more information or questions.

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